Well well well, 2011 is almost over and it was a year full of blessings! God has always been good to me but 2011...He's so amazing! So here's my top 10 list of my 2011 blessings...
10. Went to Siargao.
9. Can now avail my VL and SL.
8. Had a salary increase.
7. Transferred to another Dgroup.
6. Finally get insured.
5. Had a week's rest...FINALLY!
4. Acquired my Starbucks planner before the year ends.
3. Acquired my Nikon D3100.
2. Acquired my iPhone 4.
1. Found my Best Friend.
The list goes on...thank you Lord for all these things! Can't wait for another journey with You on 2012! A blessed NEW YEAR TO ALL!
"The Simple Rich Life" is a blog to help you, even in imperfect times, how to live this kind of life. I may not be the expert, but with God's help, I hope this blog could minister to all of you. Come along and join me in my life's journey. - She Fung -
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Power of Friendship
Whatever age group you belong, you will always get a chance to meet a lot of people. No matter how cranky or happy you are, people will bump into you. Then eventually, you get to know them better and become friends. It’s just sad that in today’s world, friendships are already distorted. You make friends for business connections, personal satisfactions, or even friends with benefits. Bottom line is, a lot of people today make friends for their own personal interest. And many would have their own hidden agenda. It’s hard to trust anyone today.
I’ve been through a lot of friendships my whole life and I have to admit, a lot of my friendships were shallow. Just having a good time is enough. There were a few deep friendships but it turned out that I was selfish because I did things for them so that my needs would be met. And if my expectations were not met, I provoke them to hate me. Years have pass and I learned my lesson.
This 2011, God promised me that He will fix my relationships with people. And one of the relationships He fixed, and still fixing, is to have a deep intimate friendship with a few people. In short, He will give me a “David-Jonathan” friendship. Honestly, I was really afraid because I was scared that I have to go through the cycle of pushing people away from my life again. But I trust Him and by faith, pursued this new found friendship.
Four months ago, marks the date when I met her. Or should I say, when I had the chance to know her better. She’s like a sister to me and she was the first person who’s so down right honest with me. She told me everything about her and she would even tell me what’s wrong with me. We’ve been through a lot of ups and downs for the past four months but I am confident that this friendship is growing stronger. Why? Simply because our friendship is an honest friendship. We rebuke each other with love and respect. Our communication lines are so open that we would find time talking to each other. Giving each other assurance of our friendship. And, most of all, it’s a God-centered friendship. Our love for God and each other keeps our friendship strong and unbreakable.
Friendship is a commitment. Just like David and Jonathan, it is a pact made between two people. I am blessed that God brought us together and He is using this friendship to build my character, as well as hers. I may not be a perfect friend but I have a commitment to God to stay with her through thick or thin. Plus, with God’s help, both of us can surely go through everything.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Journey of Faith: A Mt. Pinatubo Experience
I was a girl scout during my elementary and high school years and hiking was one of the highlights when you joined scouting. After so many years, my friends and I thought of taking a hike at Mt. Pinatubo. I was excited because it's going to be a once in a lifetime experience. When I heard about the 2-hour trek, I was discouraged and wanted to go home but we still pushed through.
During the hike, God told me to relate this experience to my life. And, I learned a lot! The hike was so spectacular that I feel overwhelmed by the His presence. God has been teaching me about faith since my Siargao trip and was emphasized during the Mt. Pinatubo trip.
Here are some of the lessons I leaned during this trip:
2. The Rocks and The Water - During our orientation, we were advised to bring at least 1 liter of water to prevent getting heat stroke and that we won't get dehydrated. I only brought 1 liter of water thinking that it's a burden to carry more than a liter. Along the way, I realized that one liter is not enough because it was a very long walk! I should have brought at least 2 liters instead. Good thing is they were selling water at the crater lake for P70...although it's expensive, I still bought to fill my thirst. While trekking, there were a lot of rocks, pebbles and sands. These hurt a lot because they would enter my sandals. However, along the way, there were streams that cross the trail. The water would help me remove the elements from my sandals. The rocks, pebbles and sand reminded me of the challenges in life while the water, the solution. Sometimes, the challenges I face are as big as the rocks or as small as the sand but one thing is for sure...it's not pleasant to have them in life. However, God allows challenges in my life so that I could learn and think of ways on how to give solution to a problem with God's help. Jesus said in John 7:38, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." The water serves as the solution during the trek...it removes the elements from my sandals and the water I brought quenched my thirst to prevent me from getting dehydrated. JESUS is the ONLY "water" in our life when we face our "rocks, pebbles and sand" and we must always be filled by Him or else, we get "dehydrated".
3. The Trek - Many times along the way, I get tired and just wanted to give up. I found myself complaining and telling myself that if it's just a cemented path, it would be easier for me to hike but the path was full of slopes and rocks. I also get discouraged when I would be the last person in line and having a hard time catching up. I admit that I wasn't fit enough to take the hike but since I already started it, I have to finish it. Then, Philippians 3:13 popped up in my mind which says, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." So, instead of ranting all the way, I focused my trek on seeing the Crater Lake which is the highlight of the whole journey. I am also encouraged by the patience of our tour guide because he not only carried my backpack, he would wait for me, assist me at some hard to cross paths and tell me stories about Mt. Pinatubo. God again used this opportunity for me to learn. In our life journey, we will be "trekking with people" but sometimes, we get left behind and feel discouraged. That's why it's important to have an accountability partner who will build us up. God designed us to be with people because we will not survive this journey alone. That's why there are a lot of "one another" verses and one of them is found in 1 Thyessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." and another one is Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." In relation to our Mt. Pinatubo trek, if the everyone would leave me behind, I might stayed at one spot and won't be able to see the Crater Lake anymore.
4. The Crater Lake - When I reached the entrance to the Crater Lake, I felt a sense of achievement and the long trek was all worth it because it was a beautiful site to rest. FINALLY the reward! When I saw the cross standing near the entrance, I just wanted to break down and cry! I right away had my picture taken so that I would be reminded of my life as a Christian that is very similar to this adventure. God spoke to me again, "Child, your faith and perseverance has brought you here. This adventure is only a glimpse of your life journey. Always remember that at the end of the day, you will be accountable to Me. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Whatever I promise you, I will fulfill. One day, you will be with Me and enjoy My real paradise for you. Come, take your rest. You deserve this. I LOVE YOU!" I am overwhelmed and speechless. I can't help but praise God and give Him all the glory! Just as 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” The Crater Lake may be a paradise but I can't wait to go to heaven and be with Jesus. No more pain, no more tears and no more suffering.
5. The Skyway - Going back to our base camp, we took the Sky Way already because it is the shorter route. We just wanted to go home and get some rest. I didn't want to leave the Crater Lake because I was already fine there. I didn't want to go back to the rocky trail anymore. However, I had to go back to reality. God again reminded me that Christian living won't be eaasy but I have to go back and tell of the wonderful adventure to others. Just as this trip, I am on a mission of living for Christ. Telling people about the Good News of Christ's love for us even though we are sinners. Plus, having the hope that we will one day meet Him in heaven if we believe in Him and have a realtionship with Him. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
Until now, although my body still hurts, the Mt. Pinatubo trek was all worth the pain. A different kind of worship took place because it was like God's practicum for me. The five points are just a summary of everything I learned from that journey. I can't wait for the day when I could finally say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) and hear Jesus say "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" (Matthew 25:21) Words can't explain the experience I had in this trip....but TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
During the hike, God told me to relate this experience to my life. And, I learned a lot! The hike was so spectacular that I feel overwhelmed by the His presence. God has been teaching me about faith since my Siargao trip and was emphasized during the Mt. Pinatubo trip.
Here are some of the lessons I leaned during this trip:
1. The Choice - we were given an option whether to take the Old Way or the Sky Way. Passing the Old Way means we have to take a hike for 2 hours to reach the crater lake while the Sky Way, it's only about an hour. We chose the Old Way so that we could do some pictorials and enjoy the trek. I praise God that we took the Old Way because it is safer than the Sky Way because the latter has a very steep way that we could easily slide down to the cliff. And if we chose to take
that trek, we won't be able to see much of the sceneries God has made. God reminded me of Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." God gave us a choice where we would go. To follow Him through the narrow way where He will be the one to guide us or of others through the wide way that would lead to destruction. For many, the narrow way may not be the better choice because it's scary and there's a long way to go but they didn't see the whole picture. So they opted to go to the wide way even if they know that it would harm them. For me, I choose the narrow way where God will always be with me.
2. The Rocks and The Water - During our orientation, we were advised to bring at least 1 liter of water to prevent getting heat stroke and that we won't get dehydrated. I only brought 1 liter of water thinking that it's a burden to carry more than a liter. Along the way, I realized that one liter is not enough because it was a very long walk! I should have brought at least 2 liters instead. Good thing is they were selling water at the crater lake for P70...although it's expensive, I still bought to fill my thirst. While trekking, there were a lot of rocks, pebbles and sands. These hurt a lot because they would enter my sandals. However, along the way, there were streams that cross the trail. The water would help me remove the elements from my sandals. The rocks, pebbles and sand reminded me of the challenges in life while the water, the solution. Sometimes, the challenges I face are as big as the rocks or as small as the sand but one thing is for sure...it's not pleasant to have them in life. However, God allows challenges in my life so that I could learn and think of ways on how to give solution to a problem with God's help. Jesus said in John 7:38, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." The water serves as the solution during the trek...it removes the elements from my sandals and the water I brought quenched my thirst to prevent me from getting dehydrated. JESUS is the ONLY "water" in our life when we face our "rocks, pebbles and sand" and we must always be filled by Him or else, we get "dehydrated".
3. The Trek - Many times along the way, I get tired and just wanted to give up. I found myself complaining and telling myself that if it's just a cemented path, it would be easier for me to hike but the path was full of slopes and rocks. I also get discouraged when I would be the last person in line and having a hard time catching up. I admit that I wasn't fit enough to take the hike but since I already started it, I have to finish it. Then, Philippians 3:13 popped up in my mind which says, "Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." So, instead of ranting all the way, I focused my trek on seeing the Crater Lake which is the highlight of the whole journey. I am also encouraged by the patience of our tour guide because he not only carried my backpack, he would wait for me, assist me at some hard to cross paths and tell me stories about Mt. Pinatubo. God again used this opportunity for me to learn. In our life journey, we will be "trekking with people" but sometimes, we get left behind and feel discouraged. That's why it's important to have an accountability partner who will build us up. God designed us to be with people because we will not survive this journey alone. That's why there are a lot of "one another" verses and one of them is found in 1 Thyessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." and another one is Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." In relation to our Mt. Pinatubo trek, if the everyone would leave me behind, I might stayed at one spot and won't be able to see the Crater Lake anymore.
4. The Crater Lake - When I reached the entrance to the Crater Lake, I felt a sense of achievement and the long trek was all worth it because it was a beautiful site to rest. FINALLY the reward! When I saw the cross standing near the entrance, I just wanted to break down and cry! I right away had my picture taken so that I would be reminded of my life as a Christian that is very similar to this adventure. God spoke to me again, "Child, your faith and perseverance has brought you here. This adventure is only a glimpse of your life journey. Always remember that at the end of the day, you will be accountable to Me. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Whatever I promise you, I will fulfill. One day, you will be with Me and enjoy My real paradise for you. Come, take your rest. You deserve this. I LOVE YOU!" I am overwhelmed and speechless. I can't help but praise God and give Him all the glory! Just as 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, "However, as it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” The Crater Lake may be a paradise but I can't wait to go to heaven and be with Jesus. No more pain, no more tears and no more suffering.
5. The Skyway - Going back to our base camp, we took the Sky Way already because it is the shorter route. We just wanted to go home and get some rest. I didn't want to leave the Crater Lake because I was already fine there. I didn't want to go back to the rocky trail anymore. However, I had to go back to reality. God again reminded me that Christian living won't be eaasy but I have to go back and tell of the wonderful adventure to others. Just as this trip, I am on a mission of living for Christ. Telling people about the Good News of Christ's love for us even though we are sinners. Plus, having the hope that we will one day meet Him in heaven if we believe in Him and have a realtionship with Him. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
Until now, although my body still hurts, the Mt. Pinatubo trek was all worth the pain. A different kind of worship took place because it was like God's practicum for me. The five points are just a summary of everything I learned from that journey. I can't wait for the day when I could finally say, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7) and hear Jesus say "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!" (Matthew 25:21) Words can't explain the experience I had in this trip....but TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Fruit of the Spirit: Love
February is known for the LOVE month. I don't know about you but it seems like everybody's "in love" every February. It's fun to watch people during this month because you can see couples become sweeter and you can't spot any tough guys. It's like this is the only month where you can see smiles all around the metro.
At church, we started the "40 Days of Love" campaign last Sunday. We were taught that our goal to be Christ-like must have the direction of pursuing love. It may sound easy but it's easier said than done. We were made to be in a relationship and be accountable to each other. For most people, it's somewhat easy but for me, as someone who's indifferent and independent, it's really really hard! Yes, I do have friends but there's always a lot of hesitations to go to the intimate level. I've always wanted to be on the safe side....or rather the numb side because I don't want to feel any emotions especially the negative ones. I can stand not talking to anyone if I wanted to and tune out everyone in my life starting with those who are very close to my heart.
Some say, I am the ideal "best friend" because I would really go out of my way to do things for my friends but to be honest, once I realize that the friendship becomes deeper, I slowly pull off. Not even communicating with them. I do this not because I hate my friends but deep inside, I'm scared of losing them that's why I would be the one to pull off before they do. You might think I'm weird and such a bad person. but this is simply who I am.
Last year, God allowed me to join Glorious Hope Recovery Program and have committed to stop the cycle of shutting down my relationships. Though I'm still a working progress, I praise God because I am slowly learning to be involved with people. I was able to have an accountability partner and have fruitful relationships. I admit that there are still times that I feel like pulling off but God keeps on reminding me about the commitment I made last year. Also, He keeps on reminding me about loving one another as His commandment. Loving is totally a conscious act and a leap of faith. I may not know how to do it but I believe God will help me go through this.
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