Photographs are documented memories. This afternoon, I was browsing at our yearbook. And looking at those high school pictures makes me smile and realize how time flies so fast! Yesterday, we were just high school students but this year, we will now celebrate our 10 years! I can't believe it...it has already been 10 long years!
I remember those days when we would literally make our school our second home. As in, we eat and sleep in class! We have created friendships and families within the 4 walls of SSHS. And although we had different sections, I'm proud to say that we are a batch that's close and no matter what our section was, we get along well until now.
I am amazed to re-meet old friends today and even though we were not close before, I could just talk to them about anything. It was really fun looking back our memory lane and laughing at the childish ways we had. I can't wait for July 25, 2010 as our 10-year reunion would take place. I'm just excited to see old faces and regain lost connections (thanks also to Facebook!).
Now that most of us are already working individuals, it is my dream that our batch would support each other in our respective professions. Why look far if we have each other? So classmates of SSHS Batch 2000, I do hope to see you around and on July 25!