Filing taught me that I should know how to compartmentalize my plans and dreams. It’s a matter of prioritizing things. Honestly, there are a lot of things that I want to do but since I only have limited resources and time, I should know how to rank them from URGENT to IMPORTANT to CAN DO WITHOUT. I, honestly, am having a hard time knowing what will be my next step but I’m glad there’s such a thing as a blog these days so that I can document my life and experiences. And I guess, I need to start “cleaning up” my life and start anew so that I will have a clearer goal and decisions won’t be as hard anymore.
Cleaning up also taught me about keeping and letting go of things. There are things in life that’s worth keeping but have to let it go or the other way around….you just want to throw things away but you need to keep it.

Another realization I had while cleaning up is I found some treasures in the trash. A lot of times, I took things/relationships for granted and not realizing that they have been there all the while until I cleaned up. Now I understand why most of my old friends are coming back…because they are my “treasures” in my pile of “trash”.
That’s what I love about life! You’ll never know what you will throw, keep or find…until you realize that you need to clean up!
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