Walking with God means surrendering your life to Him but taking things one step at a time. Which is easier? Surrendering or taking things slowly? Honestly, for me, the taking things one step at a time is harder than surrendering. It's because I am having a hard time to be still since time runs so fast that I need to get things done right away. Also, I'm the kind of person who makes a solution out of every situation. I always thought that I need to save everybody...the superman syndrome. But, God taught me a lot of things of becoming still. It's a matter of focusing on Him and ONLY HIM.
In this world, there will always be a lot of distractions because Satan does not want us to be close to Jesus. The battle is usually in the mind. When I start thinking of the things I need to do today, I will be overwhelmed and then, become anxious then get frustrated of not being able to do the things I need to do. The cycle goes on and on. That's why, I need to shift my thinking from worldly perspective to God's perspective. This is a hard thing to do since it's not a natural thing for human beings to look at things at a bigger picture.

When I went to Vigan last 2007, I was given a chance to experience how to mold a clay pot. It was really hard because since I have no training for molding pots, I was not able to mold the clay into what I desired it to be and one wrong hand movement, everything must be molded again from scratch. But when that same clay was molded by the professional, it turned out to become a beautiful vase. And to finish it off, the molded clay needs to go through fire so that it will be sturdy and will be used for different functions. Experiencing this situation, I realized that the clay is my life. If I will be the one to mold it, the "shape" won't be perfect. However, if I let God mold my life, an amazing masterpiece will be the result. But, in order for God to use me, I must go through the "fire". Then, when I become the finished product, I can function well.

I praise God because through Glorious Hope Recovery Program, God is slowly shifting my mind-set to Him. He continued to speak to me by taking things little by little. No need to rush because healing is a process. Although the world dictates that everything should be fast paced, God dictates me to be still. I must surrender to Him all my life 100% and see Him work on my life. I must let Him BE my Potter. And since I am His creation, only He knows how my outcome should be and He'd be able to use me according to how he molded me.
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