While watching the third episode of Glee, I was struck by the words of Sue's sister..."God never makes mistakes." It's true. How can a God who created the whole universe makes mistakes? In fact, He said that everything He created was good. I don't think God is a liar. But how come things became bad? It's because, sin entered the world. Sin, ruined everything including the GOOD creation of God. And, sin, separates us from God that's why there's such thing as death. And death, is the payment for our sin (Romans 3:23a). But, the GOOD NEWS is God so loved us that He gave His ONE and ONLY SON, Jesus Christ to save us from the bondage of sin. Jesus didn't have to die in our place but because He loves you and me so much that HE did it. All we have to do is to be humble, confess that we are sinners and believe in Him and what HE did at the cross. Ask Him to be the LORD and SAVIOR of your life and you will be transformed. Life transformation is a process. I myself is also a working progress of God. Walking with Him allows me to know Him more and compells me to love Him more that leads me to do what pleases Him. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, not of works lest anyone should boast (Eph. 2:8-9).

In life, we don't always get what we want. We experience pain, trials, discomfort etc. These negative events will make us doubt if God really exists or if He really cares. When we don't have a relationship with Jesus, we always see everything in the negative perspective. However, according to Romans 8:28, "all things work together for good to those who LOVE God and to those who are called according to His purpose." I highlighted the word LOVE because that's the basis of it all. If you love God, then you will do as He commands and it will not be burdensome. The negative things will now become positive. Life is still tough but with Christ in me, it will be easier because He is the one who is leading me.
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