Sunday, February 28, 2010

Rejuvenescence: This is it! (this is really really it!)

Photographs are documented memories. This afternoon, I was browsing at our yearbook. And looking at those high school pictures makes me smile and realize how time flies so fast! Yesterday, we were just high school students but this year, we will now celebrate our 10 years! I can't believe has already been 10 long years!

I remember those days when we would literally make our school our second home. As in, we eat and sleep in class! We have created friendships and families within the 4 walls of SSHS. And although we had different sections, I'm proud to say that we are a batch that's close and no matter what our section was, we get along well until now.

I am amazed to re-meet old friends today and even though we were not close before, I could just talk to them about anything. It was really fun looking back our memory lane and laughing at the childish ways we had. I can't wait for July 25, 2010 as our 10-year reunion would take place. I'm just excited to see old faces and regain lost connections (thanks also to Facebook!).

Now that most of us are already working individuals, it is my dream that our batch would support each other in our respective professions. Why look far if we have each other? So classmates of SSHS Batch 2000, I do hope to see you around and on July 25!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Life of the Insane

"The definition of insanity is doing the SAME thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein

Most of the time, we picture someone insane if he/she is wearing a straight jacket and lives in the inner Mandaluyong or the so-called sibling of Sisa. But, with Einstein's definition, I guess it simply means a normal person who lives a life of cycles. In my Abnormal Psychology class, I remember my late professor, Sir Bob, taught us that no one is normal and that we all have our abnormalities but it just depends on the level. Come to think of it, it's quite true. It just so happen that we accept certain characteristics, as dictated by the society, to be normal. However, according to Christianity, these abnormalities are caused by sin. We became dysfunctional because of the sin that we have done or passed on by the older generation.

Looking back at my life, I realized that I've been insane all the while. For instance, I have had relationship problems. I do have lots of friends but I have the tendency to be controlling of them (although unconsciously) especially when the friendship becomes deeper...then when they didn't reach my expectations, I get hurt and frustrated then I detach from them. Then, I put the blame on them. It just goes on and on like that for the last 16 years. Mean isn't it? I didn't realize that I was doing the wrong thing because I thought it was "normal". Until one day in my lowest point, last 2007, God had spoken to me to surrender all my relationships to Him. He made me realize that I'm already a co-dependency addict. I do want to change my ways that's why I'm now conscious of the mistakes I've done before...and I want to be fully healed.

I praise God for giving me the opportunity to be part of Glorious Hope Recovery Program (GH). GH helped me open my eyes to the habits and addictions that I've been doing to troubleshoot my life. These habits were also passed on from generation to generation that's why it seems "normal" to have them in my life. I know that I can be victorious in my life with the help of God through GH!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Clean Up!

Today’s a special day for me. It’s clean up day! Although I really hate filing, I had to force myself to do it just to get things organized and be able to find what needs to be found. It truly is a no-brainer task but, then, I realized that there’s wisdom in filing or cleaning up.

Filing taught me that I should know how to compartmentalize my plans and dreams. It’s a matter of prioritizing things. Honestly, there are a lot of things that I want to do but since I only have limited resources and time, I should know how to rank them from URGENT to IMPORTANT to CAN DO WITHOUT. I, honestly, am having a hard time knowing what will be my next step but I’m glad there’s such a thing as a blog these days so that I can document my life and experiences. And I guess, I need to start “cleaning up” my life and start anew so that I will have a clearer goal and decisions won’t be as hard anymore.

Cleaning up also taught me about keeping and letting go of things. There are things in life that’s worth keeping but have to let it go or the other way around….you just want to throw things away but you need to keep it. Thinking about my life, I’m the kind of person who has a hard time letting go of things/relationships. I may not understand at first why I should let it go but I know (though it hurts), one way or another, something better will come…and of course, minimize my “trash”! There are also some things/relationships in my life that I really want to throw away but it seems that I have to keep it…because I might not have learned the lesson yet (sheesh…when will I learn?!). But whatever happens, throwing things away or keeping it will always make me a better person.

Another realization I had while cleaning up is I found some treasures in the trash. A lot of times, I took things/relationships for granted and not realizing that they have been there all the while until I cleaned up. Now I understand why most of my old friends are coming back…because they are my “treasures” in my pile of “trash”.

That’s what I love about life! You’ll never know what you will throw, keep or find…until you realize that you need to clean up!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Drives You?

Most of us are living in a world of routines. We wake up, go to work and go home. I myself get bored with my life as it just goes on and on like this. Sometimes, I don’t even know why I’m doing the things I’m doing today and for what purpose. I do get de-motivated especially if I’m so overwhelmed with work that no one is boosting my morale. Well, it’s not ONLY about the money or the material things but one big factor is the “cheering squad”. Just like this lunch, I ended up asking God to take me home already because sometimes, work can be so frustrating.

Honestly, I don’t even know what would motivate me anymore. You might say, “She! Why are you ranting?! Your previous blog seems ok…what is going on with you?!” I’d just tell you, “I don’t know maybe I’m just tired”. I guess I AM TIRED. Tired of what? Probably tired of hearing a lot of unnecessary comments around to the point that I just want to shout at the top of my lungs and tell everybody to “SHUT UP!”

Well, it’s a good thing that I didn’t backfire at anybody today. Because if I let my temper blow, I might end up in the “discipline office” and this will not allow me to be a good witness of Jesus Christ. I’m thankful because I have a relationship with Jesus and because I love Him, I don’t want to let Him down. He reminded me to be patient. I can now confidently say, that only HE motivates me to go on with my work!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Miracles of our Everyday Life

Today, we hear a lot of bad news left and right. We all are suffering with the economic crisis and we eventually get frustrated. We often ask ourselves why we aren't happy and why is life unfair. We get irritated easily and we just want to give up.

But, in spite of all these, we always encounter miracles. Unfortunately, we are just too busy to recognize them. All we need is to sit back and rewind our lives to see all the miracles.

Let me just enumerate some of the miracles in our everyday lives:

1. All living creatures - The mango tree came from a tiny seed. We humans, as well as animals came from microscopic cells.

2. Sunrise and Sunset - Isn't it amazing how the sun would rise and set automatically?

3. How our body works - imagine if our digestive system shuts down one day or our lungs won't function anymore or our heart don't pump blood regularly...isn't it a wonder how our body works well even if we're sleeping and doing nothing?

4. Rotation and Revolving of Earth - we don't get dizzy even if we know that the world is spinning around

5. The Earth - there are a lot of weight in the land but it never sinks

6. Communication - what if there's no way to communicate with each other...imagine life without words, sign language, internet, cellphone, blogs must have been really really hard!

7. Air and Sea Crafts - we are able to fly so high and cross the ocean vast with these transportation

8. Media - we are able to know what's going on everywhere in this world

9. Jobs - what if everybody doesn't have a job? then the economy might not only go down but it will eventually disappear.

10. Our Existence - only humans doesn't extinct...we are the only preserved creation throughout history.

These are just some of the miracles in life and the list goes on and on. But for me, the greatest miracle I know is that a Holy God loved the filthy sinners, called human beings, SO MUCH that He sent His ONE AND ONLY SON, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. That whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. We just have to repent of our sins, believe in Him and accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior. Then we'd be able to appreciate life and see more miracles in spite of the sufferings. Nothing will be more important than just being with Him and glorifying Him