Last weekend, I was being asked out on a date by Someone special in my life. Prior to that, He kept on asking me out but since I was so busy, I couldn't find time to be with Him. It was a good thing that He's very patient with me. But He made sure that our date last weekend should push through because He told me that He prepared something special for me. At first, I declined because I have an important work-related activity during that day but He made sure that our date will not be postponed. He allowed our stocks not to arrive on time so, I have no choice but to cancel the activity. And, I was not so happy about it but eventually, I gave in and told Him, "Ok, I will go."

Days before that special day, as usual, I was so busy with work but I was excited on what will happen during our date. In fact, I'm looking forward more on the surprise that He had prepared. I kept on telling Him about my problems in the workplace and my life but all He said was to wait for our special day. Finally, March 27 came and mixed feelings came upon me. I was excited, scared, worried etc. But everything turned out well...I became inspired by Him. He just wanted to be with me so that I could know Him better. I've always thought that I know Him already but I was wrong. I dicovered that He's more than what I expected because my perspective of Him was that He should please me that whatever I ask, He should grant if for me and He should make things better for me.

It was amazing because He plainly revealed Himself to me through the surroundings of that place and also through His love letter to me. And, what's more amazing was I didn't give in to my physical satisfaction and this allowed my to feel His presence more. Just by being quiet and listening to Him speak, I was revived. I saw His light through the sun, moon and stars. I saw His life through the trees and grass that surrounded me.

I saw His majesty through the mountains from the horizon. I heard Him sing to me His love songs through the chirpping of the birds. I felt His embrace through the wind that blows my hair. I smelled His sweet aroma through the flowers that blooms everywhere. I have tasted His supplement through the water that satisfied my thirst. After these two days of dating with Him, I hungered for Him more. I wanted to know Him more because by knowing Him, I could love Him more and the more that I want to do things for His glory. It's Him I want to please, not the other way around.
I know that He's just waiting for this day that I would surrender back my life to Him and let Him control my life. And, I'm glad that our date became a fruitful one and the more that I want to seek Him. All I can say is, He is so good and I thank Him that He never gets tired of pursuing me. From this day on, I will not ignore and let go of Him anymore. Jesus, lover of my soul, my best friend, my dad and everything.