Success Beyond Your Expectation
No matter who you are or what you do, you strive hard to reach a successful life. I was able to receive a quotation that says, "the only way to fail is to please everybody, and the way to success is to keep your eyes on Jesus". Well, this is true afterall.
I was a people pleaser especially during my younger days. I thought that if I please them, they would accept me but I was wrong. The more I please them, the more they became unhappy with me, I became frustrated and unhappy with my life. I have never lived my life for myself but for the people around me. Until one day, I get sick and tired of it to the point that I didn't want to be with people anymore...I became a loner. But I'd say that that was my best moment. Ironic? But it's true. Because, that was the time when God spoke to me. He reminded me that I have to "work willingly at whatever I do, as though I were working for the Lord rather than for people." (Colossians 3:23; New Living Translation). Although, at first it was hard to do it but eventually, I get the hang of working for the Lord and not for men.
From that day on, I learned to stand up for what I believe and be honest with what I feel without worrying about what others will say. Of course, as long as what I was fighting for is right and would not compromise my beliefs in the Bible. I have also learned how to look at a situation from different perspectives. My point of view and knowledge became wider to the point that I now know how to appreciate even the small things. Yes, there are still some people who are criticizing me because I don't conform but just like what my good friend told me, I just dared to be different. Even though I "stay away from the crowd", I can now proudly say that I am successful beyond my expectation because it's Jesus whom I now please.
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