I always want an answer when I ask. However, the answer has to be specific and direct to the point. I hate it when I have to wait for an answer because time is running out. Before I attended the prayer and fasting last weekend, I have a lot of questions about my life on what I should do to be successful. My personality also affects my decision making in life. I've always needed affirmation from people that I'm doing the right thing. However, most of the time, I encountered negative responses. That's why, I don't know whether I'm doing the right thing or not. Because when I do something right, it seems wrong and when I'm doing the wrong thing, I will be shamed. It's hard for me because I wanted to do the right thing but most people around me never knew how to appreciate the things that I do. I honestly am confused.

During the prayer and fasting weekend, God spoke to me loud and clear through Psalm 37. Hanged on my bathroom door is the verse 4. I never saw its significance until I studied that Psalm. He simply gave me direct answers to all my questions by just following His commands. They are:
- Don't fret and don't be envious of the evil men (v. 1, 27)
- Trust and commit my ways to Him (v. 3, 5, 40)
- Delight myself in Him (v. 4)
- Be still and wait for Him (v. 7, 34)
- Do good and keep His way (v. 3, 27, 34)
- Refrain from anger and wrath (v. 8)
- Hope in the Lord (v. 9)
It looks easy but it's not especially when I'm aggravated or sense of doubt creeps in my mind. That's why He also tied His commands with overwhelming promises:
- He will give me the desires of my heart (v. 4)
- I will inherit the land (vs. 9, 11, 22, 29, 34)
- My enemies will soon wither (v. 2)
- He will make my righteousness shine and uphold me (v. 6, 17, 24)
- I will enjoy great peace (v. 11, 37)
- Power of the wicked will be broken (v. 17)
- He will remember my days and my inheritance will endure forever (v. 18)
- I will not wither in times of disaster and my days of famine, I will be plenty (v. 19)
- He makes my steps firm (v. 23)
- I will not be forgotten to the next generations
- I will be not be forsaken and will be protected forever (v. 28)
- He will help me and deliver me from the evil one (v. 40)

It's comforting to know that His promises are beyond my expectation. The bottom line is, just do what pleases Him regardless of what others will say. I know I will be successful one day as long as I follow His commands and I will live it up one day at a time. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13) And His grace is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness! (2 Corinthians 12:9)
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