It's graduation season again! Yesterday lunch, I was eating at Shakey's and it was fun to see the students so happy and relieved after another school year. I can't help but reminisce the time when I was a kid and can't wait for the graduation. I thought that "at last! it's finally over!" But, when I started working, I realized I was wrong. Graduations are beginnings of a new chapter in life. It is a preparation for all of us to face the real world. From an elementary graduate's point of view, high school is a time of independence. From the high school's college is the reality. Then from the college's working is the "real" reality.

In life, graduations are never ending because everyday, we learn something and we move on to the next level. Unless, he or she stops from learning and becomes a "dead wood". A successful person always keeps his/her feet on the ground and has a mind that's ready to absorb information. If someone will prevent you from learning then, he or she doesn't want you to graduate or become successful. I pity those who are like that because they would put down people so that no one can surpass them. But looking at the bright side, I thank God for them because they challenge me to do better and give off my best. Since I want to continue to learn, I won't allow others to put me down...I'll just have to go on and move on with my life.
As for the Graduates of 2010, it's just the beginning. Congratulations and don't stop learning!
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