Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Easy Way Out

This is a blog I imported from my multiply site. I was compelled to re-post this because I believe God wants to speak to you through this blog. I hope you enjoy it! :)

It’s easier to take revenge than to turn the other cheek
It’s easier gossip than to confront
It’s easier to judge than to understand
It’s easier to talk than to listen
It’s easier to tell a lie than to tell the truth
It’s easier to let out all our emotions than to use our minds
It’s easier to mind other people’s business than our own business
It’s easier to put up a fight than to bring peace
It’s easier to make a big deal than keeping it small
It’s easier to create a problem than to solve them
It’s easier to react than to respond to a situation
It’s easier to see the negative than the positive
It’s easier to discipline than to deal
It’s easier to hold on to our pride than to be humble
It’s easier to worry than to pray
It’s easier to be distracted than to stay focused
It’s easier to love the sin than the sinner
It’s easier to doubt than to have faith
It’s easier to question God than obey Him
It’s easier to fear man than to fear God

The list goes on…Where do you place yourself? The easy way or the hard way? Who do you please? God or man? Would you go for what everybody wants or what God wants from you? Above all these, it’s actually easier to please God than man…He just have one standard…To love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength then all the hard part will become easy. We just don’t love Him enough. Remember, He loved us SO MUCH that He sent Jesus Christ to DIE and save us from our “easy way out” but we still choose to stay in our “comfort zone” and do them than to follow Christ. How come we can’t love Him back? He has done so much for us, sinners and undeserving of His love. He has the choice to condemn us, leave us behind and be bondage of sin forever but He chose to love us instead! Think about it…it’s already in front of you but it’s easier to ignore it than to recognize it…It’s your choice anyway…

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