Monday, May 24, 2010

Ordinary for Extraordinary

I was given the privilege to meet someone in the showbiz industry not only from the local scene, but also the international. Yes, you guessed it right, she's none other than the International Singing Sensation, Charice. Her life was like a roller coaster and she has been an inspiration to many, including myself. It has been more than a year since I met her and her family and every time I'm with them, I really felt at home because they are the most down to earth people I ever met.  And, they are really nice people...what you see is what you get. She's one ordinary girl who has an ordinary dream and I believe that God's hand is upon her to do extraordinary things in life for His glory.

Her life inspires me so much and the priceless meetings with her, Tita Raquel and her family has always been remarkable! After all these gatherings, I was reminded of my own life. I am just an ordinary person who has dreams to go beyond my capability. However, I always thought that I am not worthy to do anything for God's kingdom because I have not been a good and true Christian. I have my "black spots" and I know that I won't be a good testimony to others. But the amazing thing is that every time I feel that way, God is using me the more. In my inadequacy, God's power is manifested and in my weakness, I became strong. Although, sometimes it's frustrating to be helpless, but He is very patient in using an ordinary person, like me, to expand His kingdom. I just have to be still, know that He is God and I have to always keep my feet on the ground. I may have not yet fulfilled His plans but I am excited to see what He will do in my life next. Indeed, God is using ordinary people for His extraordinary plans.

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